Grade 6
In sixth grade, scholars have the opportunity to explore core and elective classes that stretch their minds; take learning to a whole new level with interdisciplinary teams; and contribute to an active and strong school community.
Grade 7
Seventh grade brings opportunities for scholars to engage in deeper learning, hone strategic and critical thinking skills, and participate in both required and choice elective courses.
Grade 8
In eighth grade, students thrive on academic, social and leadership opportunities that prepare them for the transition to high school. Core classes delve deeper into key concepts and an expanded offering of elective courses helps students find their path.
American Indian Education
American Indian Education empowers American Indian students and their families and enhances their potential through culture-based educational programming.
Digital Learning
Our Digital Learning Plan promotes personalized learning, allowing students to receive instruction that is delivered at the appropriate pace, is tailored to their learning styles, and motivates them based on their individual interests.
Media Center
Osseo Middle scholars benefit from the resources located in our Media Center and support from mission-driven media staff.
Multilingual Learners
The goal of Multilingual Learners instruction is to support English learners in achieving the English language proficiency needed to succeed academically and to realize personal, social, and career goals.
Registration Guide
View the Osseo Area Schools Middle School Registration Guide to learn about academic opportunities for students at Osseo Middle.
Special Education
Special education includes a wide array of programs and services designed to meet the needs of learners with disabilities. Special education and support services are available to learners ages birth to 21 who have not graduated and who have been identified as needing specialized instructional services.
Talent Development, Academic Challenge & Gifted Support (TAG)
This programming is designed to meet the needs of all students, including those who have demonstrated high performance or show the potential for high performance relative to others of their age, experience or environment.